2011-2017 suncitygroup太阳集团外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心(教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地),获外国语言学及应用语言学博士学位
2005-2008 云南师范大学外国语学院,获外国语言学及应用语言学硕士学位
2001-2005 赣南师范大学外国语学院英语师范专业,获文学学士学位
2018-至今 suncitygroup太阳集团教授《学术英语》、《语用学》、《语义语用学》、《语言学概论》等课程;现任suncitygroup太阳集团经理助理、第二教学部党支部书记
2008-2018 云南师范大学外国语学院任教
2009-2010 受云南省委组织部选派到文山州丘北县担任社会主义新农村建设指导员
Zhao, Linsen. 2020. Mock impoliteness and co-construction of hudui rituals in Chinese online Interaction. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 43(1): 45-63.
Zhao, Linsen & Ran, Yongping. 2019. Impoliteness revisited: Evidence from Qingmian Threats in Chinese interpersonal conflicts. Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture 15(2): 257-291. (SSCI)
Ran, Yongping, Zhao, Linsen & Daniel Z., Kádár. 2020. The rite of reintegrative shaming in Chinese public dispute mediation. Pragmatics 30(1): 40-63. (SSCI)
Ran, Yongping & Zhao, Linsen. 2018. Building mutual affection-based face in conflict mediation: A Chinese relationship management model. Journal of Pragmatics 129: 185–198. (SSCI)
赵林森、冉永平. 语用学研究的边缘化问题及新趋势、新特点. 外语教学, 2020(2). (CSSCI)
冉永平、赵林森. 基于人情原则的人际关系新模式: 人际语用学本土研究, 外语与外语教学, 2018 (2). (CSSCI)
suncitygroup太阳集团校级科研项目“基于情面的汉语礼貌理论建构研究”(19QN34) (主持,在研)
广东省普通高校人文社会科学研究重点项目“人际语用学前沿研究与理论创新”(2018WZDXM006) (参与,在研)
教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目“人际语用能力研究”(16JJD740007) (参与,在研)
广东省社科“十二五”规划青年项目“基于语料库的电视调解话语功能与说服效果研究”(GD14YWW03) (参与,已结项)
2019.Politeness motivated by the ‘affection-based face’ in Chinese culture, paper presented in the 1st International Symposium on East Asian Pragmatics, Dalian University of Foreign Langua
ges, Dalian.
2019.Taking offence, vicarious accounts and neutralization of impoliteness in interpersonal conflict mediation, paper presented in the 16th International Pragmatics Conference, Hongkong Poly
technic University, Hongkong.
2019.Mock impoliteness: Rituals of hudui ‘reciprocal jocular abuse’ in Chinese online interaction, paper presented in the International Symposium on Advances in (Im)politeness Studies in 2019, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou.
2019.Taking offence and rationalization of impoliteness in interpersonal conflict mediation, paper presented in the 16th Chinese Pragmatics conference, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang.
2018.A pragmatic study of bao-based interpersonal conflict mediation, paper presented in the 4th National Forum on Pragmatics, Xian International Studies University, Xian.
2018.Rituals of creativity, jocular abuse and mock impoliteness in Chinese Qzone communication, paper presented in the 5th GDUFS Forum on Applied Linguistics, Guangzhou.
2017.Impoliteness and rituals of shaming in interpersonal conflict mediation, paper presented in the 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast.
2017.Impoliteness revisited: Evidence from qingmian threats in Chinese interpersonal conflicts, paper presented in the 15th Chinese Pragmatics conference, Beijing Normal University, Beijin g.
2015.Face and conflict resolution: The case of interpersonal conflict mediation, paper presented in the 14th Chinese Pragmatics conference, Anhui Normal University, Hefei.
2014.A pragmatic study of the third parties’ stancetaking in conflict resolution: The case of televised dispute mediation, paper presented in the 2th National Forum on Pragmatics, Southwest University, Chongqing.
2013.Metarepresentation of poems in ZuoZhuan,paper presented in the 13th Chinese Pragmatics conference, Zhejiang International Studies University, Hangzhou.
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